The school uniform encourages discipline and promotes a sense of belonging among the students; the school logo is too imprinted on all uniforms, in order to maintain colour and patterns. The uniform clothes are supplied by the school. Parents have to supervise stitching as per the pattern and design prescribed by the school.
KG: white blouse short sleeved as overall (pinna fore)
I-IV: short sleeved white check colour blouse , Ash skirt upto knee, Ash mafta for Muslim girls
V_X: white check Kamees (without slit), Ash salwar and ash coat
WEDNESDAY: White blouse with lack skirt / white over coat)
K-G: short sleeved white check shirt, Ash shorts.
I-X : short sleeved white check shirt and Ash long pants.
Wednesday: white T shirts with White pants.
Black shoes with ash soacks on Wednesday Black shoes with white soacks.
Girls: girls may use white hair bands for short hair and others shall tie their hair neatly with a white ribbon.
Boys: boys shall ensure that their hair is trimmed short at regular intervals.
The school uniform encourages discipline and promotes a sense of belonging among the students; the school logo is too imprinted on all uniforms, in order to maintain colour and patterns. The uniform clothes are supplied by the school. Parents have to supervise stitching as per the pattern and design prescribed by the school.
KG: white blouse short sleeved as overall (pinna fore)
I-IV: short sleeved white check colour blouse , Ash skirt upto knee, Ash mafta for Muslim girls
V_X: white check Kamees (without slit), Ash salwar and ash coat
WEDNESDAY: White blouse with lack skirt / white over coat)
K-G: short sleeved white check shirt, Ash shorts.
I-X : short sleeved white check shirt and Ash long pants.
Wednesday: white T shirts with White pants.
Black shoes with ash soacks on Wednesday Black shoes with white soacks.
Girls: girls may use white hair bands for short hair and others shall tie their hair neatly with a white ribbon.
Boys: boys shall ensure that their hair is trimmed short at regular intervals.